Many people think that it is beneficial to pay off a car loan before applying for a mortgage. In reality, this could be a bad idea and actually cause you to lose your mortgage approval. The logic behind this theory might seem a bit strange, as it seems to be common sense to pay off […]
Category Archives: bad-credit
The new mortgage rate trend that followed last week’s phenomenal hike breaking Brexit’s 11-week low rate streak may have sent many buyers locking in on rates before the new trend gets comfortable in its new course. For those who are considering refinancing, the time may be ripe to get started with your refinancing journey. But how ready […]
Unpaid medical bills are a funny thing when it comes to your credit. Not every unpaid bill will negatively impact your credit, but if you let them go long enough, your score could suffer. Knowing exactly how and when you should get your medical bills paid can help you prevent your credit score from suffering […]
You paid off your house a while ago and have enjoyed being mortgage free. However, in recent years you hit bad luck and ruined your credit. Now you want to tap into your paid off house and get some of that equity back in cash to help make ends meet. Is it possible with your […]
Child support arrears can affect your loan application, but not always in a negative way. How you handle the arrears play a vital role in your ability to secure financing. As is the case with any other debt or even income, the lender looks at the whole picture. They don’t focus on one aspect of […]
When you think of refinancing, you automatically think of saving. It allows you to lower your current interest rate and reduce the loan term. Some refinancing options even allow some cash-out. The goal is to save more money. While this is true, it is not always that when you refinance you actually save money. Situations […]